Murrah Buffalo- Many aspects, One animal
Sorry I haven't been able to post anything the past couple of days, but they have been long and draining. I’m never short of enemies in my life but in the last few days I was having a different kind of enemy and war broke out. My PC is one of the things in life that keeps me going and it was attacked left and right. I was having a war with all the viruses and spy wares on my PC. The stuffs like info stealers and blackmail viruses were like 40 to 50 of them. Why would anyone want to steal my info as there is nothing in my CPU and I got everything in my head? Anyway I succeeded in killing them all.
We have heard about the recent shortage of diary milk and milk products in Kerala and the problems with ‘MILMA’ company which prompted me to write today about this so that the government of Kerala can learn a few things from IRAN - a country kept aloof from the world but still surviving and working hard to be self sufficient in everything even with the numerous trade sanctions placed by UN.
Recently I had an offer I couldn’t resist to export 20,000 Murrah Buffaloes from India to Iran and believe me after hearing about it people made remarks like as if it’s the last place on earth to do business with. But here we are talking about a 100 Million $ business deal. Funny eh! Well that’s how the figures work out. I was supposed to travel to Iran with a friend of mine just for a short visit as I heard it’s a very beautiful place with rivers and mountains. As usual lady luck didn’t give me a hand and my deal didn’t go through and my whole deal became a huge sand castle in the air. The situation in Iran regarding the nuclear stand off made things worst and my deal came to a stand still. Banks stopped opening LC accounts and the investors were worried about giving advance payments. I did a lot of painstaking research on the subject and actually learned a lot about the animal and the export trade. My efforts to study about the livestock trade made me realize about a wonderful resource found in India which the whole world is looking into. So just to tell you folks, here is a summary of the information I collected about the animal from 100 s of pages of research.
Recently I had an offer I couldn’t resist to export 20,000 Murrah Buffaloes from India to Iran and believe me after hearing about it people made remarks like as if it’s the last place on earth to do business with. But here we are talking about a 100 Million $ business deal. Funny eh! Well that’s how the figures work out. I was supposed to travel to Iran with a friend of mine just for a short visit as I heard it’s a very beautiful place with rivers and mountains. As usual lady luck didn’t give me a hand and my deal didn’t go through and my whole deal became a huge sand castle in the air. The situation in Iran regarding the nuclear stand off made things worst and my deal came to a stand still. Banks stopped opening LC accounts and the investors were worried about giving advance payments. I did a lot of painstaking research on the subject and actually learned a lot about the animal and the export trade. My efforts to study about the livestock trade made me realize about a wonderful resource found in India which the whole world is looking into. So just to tell you folks, here is a summary of the information I collected about the animal from 100 s of pages of research.
Let me tell you about the Murrah Buffaloes. Murrah breed of buffalo is good milk producer, not only in India but also probably in the world. Numerically India possesses
the largest cattle and buffalo population for any single country in the world. We have in the country the world’s best dairy type buffalo — the Murrah — capable of milk yields as high as 35 kg a day. The buffalo of Murrah breed, which is described as the “Asian tractor”, is in fact triple purpose animal — for milk, meat and work.
Haryana is the home of Murrah buffalo. Here the Murrah buffalo keeping has a special role as its husbandry has been the way of life. Consequently, Haryana has the privilege of being known as the livestock mint of India. The state is now coming up as a market for producing export quality stock.
The Murrah buffalo is the finest genetic material of milk producing buffalo in the world. This
breed has beaten the best dairy cows of the world in performance. We must capitalise this distinct status and launch the Murrah buffalo as an export item. Globalisation of Murrah would ensure not only better returns to farmers but would also facilitate the much-needed capital formation in the rural sector. Murrah export assumes further significance as it will contribute towards employment generation, apart from diversification of overburdened agriculture. Besides acquiring hard foreign currency, the Murrah export is deemed necessary to sustain the tempo of the farm sector as a whole.
Above all, the export of this new item will pick up at a much faster pace than that of traditional items. Of the total production of milk of India, about 53 per cent comes from buffaloes, 43 per cent from cows and 4 per cent from goats and sheep. For cow milk, the average fat varies from 3 to 5 per cent and for buffalo milk from 7.5 to 9 per cent. In economic terms, therefore, the rearing of buffalo is advantageous than cow keeping.
Considering the above facts, advanced dairy countries are studying the economics of Murrah buffalo keeping. During the past one year, a United States dairy firm had purchased Murrah buffaloes, each yielding over 25 kg milk a day, at a cost of ‘Indian Rupees 2.5 lakh each’ from Haryana. This shows that rich countries will soon switch over to Murrah husbandry.
Another apprehension is that like basmati rice they would also go in for the patents of Murrah breed of buffalo. The exotic cross-breeding in India is no more need of the day. It is desirable to use progeny tested bulls for taking up programme of Murrah breeding on a mass scale.
WR: First Test-Tube Buffalo Calf
Scientists at the Embryo Biotechnology Center at NDRI, Karnal, led by Dr M.L.Madan, evolved the world's first test-tube buffalo calf, Pratham, in Nov.1990. The 38 kg male calf was born to a Murrah buffalo which had received the in-vitro fertilised buffalo embryo.
India started with a baseline annual milk production of 170 lakh tonnes in 1947.The figure skyrocketed to 771.8 lakh tonnes in 1999 making India the world's largest milk producing country. With the present annual growth rate of 5.5%, India is expected to produce 220-250 lakh tonnes of milk by the year 2020

Haryana is the home of Murrah buffalo. Here the Murrah buffalo keeping has a special role as its husbandry has been the way of life. Consequently, Haryana has the privilege of being known as the livestock mint of India. The state is now coming up as a market for producing export quality stock.
The Murrah buffalo is the finest genetic material of milk producing buffalo in the world. This

Above all, the export of this new item will pick up at a much faster pace than that of traditional items. Of the total production of milk of India, about 53 per cent comes from buffaloes, 43 per cent from cows and 4 per cent from goats and sheep. For cow milk, the average fat varies from 3 to 5 per cent and for buffalo milk from 7.5 to 9 per cent. In economic terms, therefore, the rearing of buffalo is advantageous than cow keeping.
Considering the above facts, advanced dairy countries are studying the economics of Murrah buffalo keeping. During the past one year, a United States dairy firm had purchased Murrah buffaloes, each yielding over 25 kg milk a day, at a cost of ‘Indian Rupees 2.5 lakh each’ from Haryana. This shows that rich countries will soon switch over to Murrah husbandry.
Another apprehension is that like basmati rice they would also go in for the patents of Murrah breed of buffalo. The exotic cross-breeding in India is no more need of the day. It is desirable to use progeny tested bulls for taking up programme of Murrah breeding on a mass scale.
Some world records held by India.
WR: First Test-Tube Buffalo Calf
Scientists at the Embryo Biotechnology Center at NDRI, Karnal, led by Dr M.L.Madan, evolved the world's first test-tube buffalo calf, Pratham, in Nov.1990. The 38 kg male calf was born to a Murrah buffalo which had received the in-vitro fertilised buffalo embryo.
WR: Milky Way of progress
India started with a baseline annual milk production of 170 lakh tonnes in 1947.The figure skyrocketed to 771.8 lakh tonnes in 1999 making India the world's largest milk producing country. With the present annual growth rate of 5.5%, India is expected to produce 220-250 lakh tonnes of milk by the year 2020
WR: Largest producer of milk Products
India is the largest producer of milk products with production of milk powder alone touching 1,75,000 tonnes per year
India is the largest producer of milk products with production of milk powder alone touching 1,75,000 tonnes per year
And about the export trade I’m not putting it over here as it’s lengthy and trade secrets have to be secrets, right? Another wild idea will follow shortly anyway...
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